
ARKit Tutorial: Working with 2D Image Recognition

Welcome to the sixth installment of our ARKit tutorial series. This week we are going to talk about image recognition in augmented reality. Starting from iOS 11.3, ARKit has the capability to recognize 2D images. If you are interested in learning about building apps that recognize 2D images with ARKit, this tutorial is written for you.

Many AR experiences can be enhanced by using known features of the user’s environment to trigger the appearance of virtual content. For example, a museum app might show a virtual curator when the user points their device at a painting, or a board game might place virtual pieces when the player points their device at a game board. In iOS 11.3 and later, you can add such features to your AR experience by enabling image recognition in ARKit: Your app provides known 2D images, and ARKit tells you when and where those images are detected during an AR session.
- Apple Documentation


This tutorial requires you to have a solid understanding of previous ARKit tutorial topics we discussed. If you are new to ARKit, please do check out our ARKit tutorial series here.

In order to follow this tutorial, you will need to have Xcode running on version 9.3 or later and an Apple device running on iOS 11.3 or later.

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

What You’ll Build

We shall build an ARKit image recognition App. At anytime the app detects a recognizable image, it shall run an animation sequence that shows the location and size of the detected image in the world. On top of that, the app will have a label that reflects the detected image’s name. If you don’t know what I mean, the image below will give you a better idea.

Getting Started

First, begin by downloading the starter project here. The starter project has pre-built UI elements and action methods. This way, we can focus on the core elements of ARKit’s image recognition.

Note: If you would like to learn more about how to build professional UI elements, feel free to take a look at the Beginner iOS Programming with Swift Book and check out the more advanced Intermediate iOS Programming with Swift Book.
Xcode Demo storyboard

Once you have downloaded the starter project, build and run it on your iOS Device. You should be prompted to allow camera access in the App. Tap OK to allow camera access in your App.

Nice. Now let’s jump into preparing images for ARKit image recognition.

Enabling Image Recognition in ARKit

In order for ARKit to recognize images, you will first need to provide two things:

  1. The images that are to be recognized by your app.
  2. The physical size of the images.

Let’s begin with the first step by providing the images themselves. Inside the starter project, click on the Assets.xcassets group. Afterwards, you should be able to see the AR Resources group. Click on that group. There should be three images within that group.

Xcode image asset

You can also drag your own images into this group. But make sure to give the image a descriptive name as well.

As mentioned earlier, by having the image file itself within your project is only the first step in preparing for ARKit image recognition. In addition, you’ll also need to provide the physical image size.

Let’s move on to the next section to talk about physical image size.

Physical Image Size

ARKit needs to know the physical image size in the world to determine the distance of the image from the camera. Entering an incorrect physical image size will result in an ARImageAnchor that has the wrong distance from the camera.

Remember to provide the physical image size every time you add a new image for ARKit to recognize. The values should reflect the image size when measured in the world. For example, the “Book” image has the following physical size:

AR Reference Image

This is the physical image size property for when the image file is opened in Preview on a 15.4 inch MacBook Pro display. You can set physical image size properties accordingly in the image’s attributes inspector.

Image Properties

The image recognition capability of ARKit may vary with the images’ properties. Take a look at the images inside the AR Resources group. You’ll see that the “Book” image has two quality estimation warnings. Pay attention to this when you add reference images. Image detection works best when the image has high contrast.

The “Snow Mountain” and “Trees In The Dark” images have no yellow warnings. This means ARKit considers these images are easily recognizable.

Despite the yellow warnings or not, it is still best to test out the images you plan to use in the world. And then, you can see it yourself which images are easily recognizable.

Next, we are getting our hands dirty with some code.

Setting Configuration for Image Recognition

We are going to set our scene view’s configuration to detect the reference images inside the AR Resources group. The configuration will have to reset tracking and remove existing anchors run options. After running the scene view session with the configuration, we update the label’s text with App usage instruction.

Open up the ViewController.swift file and insert the following method to the View Controller class:

Next, call the resetTrackingConfiguration() method inside of viewWillAppear(_:) and resetButtonDidTouch(_:) methods.

Recognizing Images with ARImageAnchor

We are now going to overlay a transparent white plane onto newly detected images. The plane will reflect the shape and size the newly detected reference image and the distance the image is from the device’s camera. The plane overlay UI will appear when a new node is mapped to the given anchor.

Note: The anchor is of type ARImageAnchor inside the renderer(_:didAdd:for:) method.

Update the renderer(_:didAdd:for:) method like this:

The plane node is set to run a SCNAction sequence that it runs a fade in and fade out animation.

Now that we have the plane node and the detected image’s name, we will add the plane node to the node parameter and set the label’s text to show the recognized image’s name. Insert the following code right after planeNode.runAction(imageHighlightAction):

Great! You’ve got yourself a newly built ARKit Image Recognition App.

Testing the demo app

For the demo, you can print out a physical image copy for each of the AR Resources group’s images. Or, you can test it out by opening up the image file in Preview.

ARKit Image Recognition Demo

Let’s transition to the next round and overlay 3D objects on detected images.

Overlaying 3D Objects on Detected Images

Now that we have visualized the detected image’s size and location in the world, let’s overlay 3D objects on detected images.

First, comment out the following codes to bring focus to overlaying 3D objects on detected images:

Next, replace the TODO: Overlay 3D Object comment with the following codes:

Upon image detection, you should now be able to see a SceneKit node run a fade and spin animation sequence away from your detected image and towards you.

Last Remarks

Congratulations for making it this far into the tutorial! I hope you have enjoyed and learned something valuable from my tutorial. Feel free to share this tutorial on your social networks so that your circle can make some knowledge gains too!

For reference, you can download the complete Xcode project on GitHub.

Learn macOS Development: Develop a Music App with Audio Playback and File Upload Features
A Beginner’s Guide to NSDate in Swift
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  • Allen Ross

    Allen RossAllen Ross

    Author Reply

    ARKit rocks because of the AppCoda team. Thank you so much for this brilliant article!

    • Simon Ng

      Simon NgSimon Ng

      Author Reply

      Allen, thank you for your words! It’s really fun to play around with ARKit and we expect there are more updates on the framework in the upcoming WWDC.

  • jimmyjames


    Author Reply

    Hey Simon, I’m not seeing where the “imageHighlightAction” is running, so I’m getting an error:
    Use of unresolved identifier ‘imageHighlightAction’

    • Ngoc Le

      Ngoc LeNgoc Le

      Author Reply

      Confirm not action with name “imageHighlightAction” found in final project. Just leave that line of code out.

  • Thomas Heijdeman

    i’m wondering if i can change the 3d animation(for example the tree) into a video (mov. or mp4.)
    and let AR app show that over the image. what do i have to change for that?

  • hungbv


    Author Reply

    Hi Jayven N !
    how could I track when the image is no longer in the camera’s frame anymore? When I close the image on my mac, the App still show the mountain object at position of the closed image

    • Giovanni Pires da Silva

      Assuming my current knowledge of two weeks studying AR + ARKit + Xcode, you may be able to do something like with the current position of the camera – you can calculate that through pointOfView, orientation and position, the current position is the sum of the two SCNVector3 – as well as some distance calc – which is basically the difference value between two different anchor points. Through distance you can set if distance is higher than something, remove node; through orientation you may be able to calc something but I’m still not much clear how to achieve exactly what you’ve mentioned.

  • Oscar


    Author Reply

    Miss this code in the extension ViewController: ARSCNViewDelegate (found in the Apple Image Detection Code Example here -> https://developer.apple.com/documentation/arkit/recognizing_images_in_an_ar_experience )

    var imageHighlightAction: SCNAction {
    return .sequence([
    .wait(duration: 0.25),
    .fadeOpacity(to: 0.85, duration: 0.25),
    .fadeOpacity(to: 0.15, duration: 0.25),
    .fadeOpacity(to: 0.85, duration: 0.25),
    .fadeOut(duration: 0.5),

  • Giriraj ar

    Giriraj arGiriraj ar

    Author Reply

    Hello Jayven .. Thanks for the article

    One question about Image Recognition, is it mandatory that the target images should be part of the app itself or can we have set of images in the app memory and perform on-device image recognition with it (the images might change or download when we click on a button each time in the app) ? note: The use case is only Image recognition and not the AR feature

  • Giovanni Pires da Silva

    Thank you very much for your code, article and study, it was very helpful for what we’re trying to achieve in a project at work. Thanks, very much!

  • Javier Guajardo

    I downloaded the project, and it runs without any issues, but I’m not getting the camera prompt for some reason. :S
