iOS Programming · · 2 min read

Announcing the iOS Game Starter Kit

Announcing the iOS Game Starter Kit

Do you want to build your own app and make money on the side?

A year ago, we launched and started to publish extensive iOS programming tutorials. We love the hands-on approach to learn programming. So in every tutorial, we develop a simple app to illustrate the programming concept. We’re glad you love this approach.

We’ll continue to publish free programming tutorials. Today, however, I’d like to announce something new – the iOS Game Starter Kit. This starter kit is going to take your learning experience to the next level. The feedback of the tutorials and demo apps are awesome. But some said the tutorials are not good enough for building a complete app. They want to build a polished app and experience the app publishing process from beginning to end.

iOS Game Start Kit

The iOS Game Starter Kit is here for you.

Base on one of our iOS games, the starter kit comes with full source code of a well-designed memory game. The game just works out of the box and supports both iPhone & iPad, as well as, iPod touch. You are allowed to change the icon and graphics to build your own memory game and put it up to App Store. The game already integrates some of the popular Ad networks such as Admob and Revmob so you’re ready to monetize from it once published. On top of that, the game offers in-app purchase as an alternative monetization channel.

Isn’t it a great way to learn app development using real code?

As we always believe, you can’t just read a book to learn programming. Real learning takes place when you start building something and making mistake. You’ll learn from real code and real app. The starter kit comes along with a complete guide to walk you through some of the source code and the app publishing process. So not only you can build a game using the kit, you’ll learn how to implement in-app purchase, display ads, integrate with Game Center and more.

In brief, here are what you will find in the complete guide:

  • Develop universal app using Storyboard and Interface Builder
  • Integrate your iOS game with Game Center
  • Mobile app monetization models
  • Integrate your app with different Ad Networks and earn money on the side
  • How to Set up In-App Purchase
  • Supercharge your game with multiplayer support
  • Step-by-step procedures to publish your apps onto App Store

If you’re interested, check out the iOS Game Starter Kit for the available packages. It is 10-20% off (depending on packages) today only. So don’t wait!

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